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Total Record(s) Found: 9
Search the State of Michigan Department of Community Health Genealogical Death Indexing System for death records from 1867 to 1897.
Search for or browse images of State of Michigan Births recorded between 1867 and 1902.
Search for State of Michigan Births and Christenings recorded between 1775 and 1995.
Search for or browse images of State of Michigan Death Registrations recorded between 1867 and 1897.
Search for State of Michigan death records and death certificates recorded between 1897 and 1920.
Search for State of Michigan Deaths and Burials recorded between 1800 and 1995.
Search for State of Michigan Marriages recorded between 1822 and 1995.
Search for or browse images of State of Michigan Marriages recorded between 1868 and 1925.
Gain access to vital records in Michigan. You can find marriage, divorce, death and birth records. The vital records office has records of births, deaths, and marriages that occurred in Michigan and were filed with the state as early as 1867, and divorce records as early as 1897.