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Total Record(s) Found: 441
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Select the "Property Info" to use this service from the Ada Township, Michigan to search for a listing of property records by the street or parcel number.
View this Ada Township, Michigan service for a listing of property information by street name or parcel number.
View the BS&A Software/City of Adrian, State of Michigan information service to look up information for property, land, sales comparables, and also property tax records.
Search this database provided by BS &A Software for property information in Alamo Township, State of Michigan by parcel number, owner name, or address.
Click on "Property Tax and Assessing Information" to search this City of Albion, State of Michigan service for property assessment or current tax information.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Algoma Township, State of Michigan property, land, and property tax records.
Use this BS&A Software/City of Algonac, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, sales comparables, and property tax records. BS&A doesn't charge for the search but they do charge $2.00 for record details.
Search Allegan County, State of Michigan property records, sales comparables, and delinquent tax records with this BS&A service.
Search for Allen Park, State of Michigan property, property tax, land, and sales comparables records.
Search this database provided by BS&A Software for property information in Almira Township, State of Michigan by parcel number, owner name, or address. BS&A doesn't charge for the search but they do charge $2.00 for record details.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Almont Township, State of Michigan property, land, and property tax records.
Search the Alpena County, State of Michigan property tax records by jurisdiction, parcel number, address, or name.
Search for Alpine Township, State of Michigan property records by name, parcel number, or address. Free search, $2.00 for record details.
Search for City of Ann Arbor, State of Michigan property and land records, property tax records, and special assesment information by owner name, parcel number, or address.
Search for Ann Arbor Charter Township, State of Michigan property records, property tax records, and sales comparables.
Use this Antrim County, State of Michigan service to search for property information by parcel number, owner name address, and/or city.
Click on "Current Property Class" in the Parcel Maps section to use this Antrim County, State of Michigan GIS service to search for property information by parcel number, owner name, or property address and view interactive maps.
Use this Antwerp Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, and property tax records by address, parcel number, or owner name.
Search the Arenac County, State of Michigan property tax records by jurisdiction, name, address, or parcel id.
Search for Argyle Township, State of Michigan property records and property sales information.
Search Armada Township, State of Michigan property, land, sales comparables, and property tax records.
Use this BS&A Software / Auburn Hills, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, and property tax records by address, parcel number, or owner name.
Use this BS&A Software/Augusta Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, sales comparables, and property tax records. BS&A doesn't charge for the search but they do charge $2.00 for record details.
Search Aurelius Township, State of Michigan property, property tax, and land records.
Use this BS&A Software / Avery Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, and land sales records by address, parcel number, or owner name.
Search Baldwin Township, State of Michigan records for property, sales, and tax records. Fee for report details.
Use this BS&A Software / Banks Township, State of Michigan service to search for property tax records by address, parcel number, or owner name.
Search Barry County, State of Michigan Assessor property records.
Search by owner name or parcel number for delinquent taxes in Barry County, State of Michigan. Information provided by the database of the County Register of Deeds.
Search Barry Township, State of Michigan records for property, land, property tax, and special assessment information.
Use this BS&A Software / Bath Charter Township, State of Michigan service to search for property tax records by name, address or parcel number.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for City of Battle Creek, State of Michigan property, land, property tax, and special assessmant information.
Use this GIS mapping service to search for property information in the City of Battle Creek, State of Michigan. Zoom in to a parcel, then use the tools at right to view parcel information.
Search the Bay County, State of Michigan Equalization Department records and GIS maps for property and property tax information by owner name, address, parcel ID, or text.
Search the Bay County, State of Michigan property tax records by parcel number, name, township or address. Click on "County Tax Maps" to view pdf files by municipality.
Use this Bedford Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, sales comparables, special assessment, and property tax records.
Use this BS&A Software / City of Belding, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, sales comparables, and property tax records by name, address or parcel number.
Use this BS&A Software / Belknap Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, and comparables records by name, address or parcel number.
Use this BS&A Software / Benona Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, sales comparables, and property tax records by name, address or parcel number.
Search for property records in Big Rapids City, State of Michigan (Mecosta County) by parcel number, owner name, or address.
Use this BS&A Software / Bingham Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, and property tax records by name, address or parcel number.
Use this Geographic Information System from Birmingham, State of Michigan to locate parcel information by address, owner, property id or year built and view interactive maps.
Use this BS&A Software / Bismarck Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, and comparables records by name, address or parcel number.
Use this BS&A Software / Blackman Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, special assessments and property tax records by name, address or parcel number.
Use this BS&A Software / Blendon Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, special assessments and property tax records by name, address or parcel number.
Use this BS&A Software / Bloomfield Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, and property tax records by name, address or parcel number.
Search by street or parcel number for assessment information in Bowne Township, State of Michigan.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Brady Township, State of Michigan property, land, sales comparables, and property tax records. BS&A doesn't charge for the search but they do charge $2.00 for record details.
Use this BS&A Software/Branch County, State of Michigan service to search for property, and land records.
Search for Bridgewater Township, State of Michigan property tax records by name, address, or parcel number. Free search; $2.00 for record details.
Search for the City of Brighton, State of Michigan property records, sales comparables, property tax records, and special assessment records.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Brighton Charter Township, State of Michigan property, land, sales comparables, property tax, and special assessment records.
Use this BS&A Software / Brooks Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, comparables and property tax records by name, address or parcel number.
Use this Brownstown Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, sales comparables, and property tax records.
Use this service from Bruce Township, State of Michigan to search for property records by parcel number, owner, address or sale price/sale date.
Search for Burton, State of Michigan property records and sales comparables information.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Byron Township, State of Michigan property, land, special assessment, and property tax records.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Cadillac, State of Michigan property tax and special assessment records.
Click on "Current Property Class" to use this City of Cadillac, State of Michigan service to search for property information by parcel number, owner name, or property address and view interactive GIS maps.
Search the Caledonia Township, State of Michigan Assessor's property tax records for property information by street name or parcel number.
Search for Caledonia Township, State of Michigan property records, sales comparables, and property tax records. Free search; $2.00 for record details.
Use this Calhoun County, State of Michigan service to search for property and property tax information by address or parcel number.
Use this Cannon Township, State of Michigan to search for property, land, and property tax records by address, parcel number, or owner name.
Search for real property information in Canton Township, State of Michigan by parcel number, owner name, or address. Provides large amount of information, including info on property assessment, tax, and utilities.
Search for Carmel Township, State of Michigan property records, sales comparables, and property tax information. Free search; $2.00 for record details.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Cascade Township, State of Michigan property, land, sales comparables, property tax, and building permit records.
Search for Case Township, State of Michigan property records and sales comparables records. Free search; $2.00 for record details.
Search the Cass County, State of Michigan property tax records by name, address, parcel number or jurisdiction.
Search for Charleston Township, State of Michigan property records, sales comparables, special assesment, and property tax records. Free search; $2.00 for record details.
Use this Charlevoix County, State of Michigan service to search for property information by parcel number, owner name, address, property class, and/or school district.
Search for Charlevoix County, State of Michigan property records, property tax information, and delinquent tax information. Free search; $2.00 for record details.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Charlotte, State of Michigan property, land, comparables, and property tax records by name, address or parcel number.
Use this Cheboygan County, State of Michigan Equalization Department service to search for property information by parcel number, owner name, or property address.
Use this City of Chelsea, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, and property tax records by address, parcel number, or owner name.
Use this BS&A Software/Cherry Grove Township, State of Michigan service to search for property tax records by name, address or parcel number.
Search for Chesterfield Charter Township, State of Michigan property records, sales comparables, special assessment, and property tax records.
Use this China Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, sales comparables, and property tax records.
Chippewa County, State of Michigan property records / parcel search. Provided by the Chippewa County Equalization Office.
Search for Chocolay Township, State of Michigan property records, sales comparables, and property tax records. Free search; $2.00 for record details.
Clare County, State of Michigan property record database provided by the Clare County Treasurer's office.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Clare, State of Michigan property, land, special assessment, sales comparables, and property tax, records.
Use this BS&A Software/Clarence Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, sales comparables, and property tax records. BS&A doesn't charge for the search but they do charge $2.00 for record details.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Clarendon Township, State of Michigan property, land, and property tax information.
Use this BS&A Software/Clay Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, sales comparables, special assessment, and property tax records. BS&A doesn't charge for the search but they do charge $2.00 for record details.
Use this Clinton County, State of Michigan service provided by BS&A Software to search for property assessment, property tax, sales comparables, and delinquent tax information.
Use this Clinton County, State of Michigan service to search for property information by address or parcel number and view interactive GIS maps.
Use this Clinton Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, sales comparables, special assessment, and property tax records. BS&A doesn't charge for the search but they do charge $2.00 for record details.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Clio, State of Michigan property, land, and property tax records. BS&A doesn't charge for the search but they do charge $2.00 for record details.
Use this BS&A Software/Coldwater, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, sales comparables, special assessment and property tax records.
Use this BS&A Software/Coldwater Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, sales comparables, and property tax records.
Use this BS&A Software/Columbia Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, sales comparables, and property tax records. BS&A doesn't charge for the search but they do charge $2.00 for record details.
Use this BS&A Software service to search Columbus Township, State of Michigan service for property, land, and property tax records by name, address or parcel number.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Comstock Charter Township, State of Michigan property, land, sales comparables, and property tax records.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Concord Township, State of Michigan property, land, and sales comparables information. BS&A Software doesn't charge for the search but they do charge $2.00 for record details.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Convis Township, State of Michigan property, land, property tax, and sales comparables information. BS&A Software doesn't charge for the search but they do charge $2.00 for record details.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Conway Township, State of Michigan property, land, comparables and property tax records. BS&A doesn't charge for the search but they do charge $2.00 for record details.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Cooper Charter Township, State of Michigan property, land, special assessment, and property tax records.
Use this BS&A Software service to search for Coopersville, State of Michigan property, land, special assessment, property tax, and sales comparables information. BS&A Software doesn't charge for the search but they do charge $2.00 for record details.
Use this BS&A Software/City of Corunna, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, sales comparables, and property tax records. BS&A doesn't charge for the search but they do charge $2.00 for record details.
Use this BS&A Software/Cottrellville Township, State of Michigan service to search for property, land, sales comparables, special assesment, and property tax records. BS&A doesn't charge for the search but they do charge $2.00 for record details.